The Idea is Ensuring Honesty in Politicians
Honesty mattered then;
Honesty mattered then;
it matters even MORE today.
it matters even MORE today.
The Problem and Several Solutions
The Problem and Several Solutions
In 1992, recently convicted State Senator Alan Robbins was such an obvious example of what was wrong with politics, I was immediately moved to take action.
Robbins never bothered with ideas or even said much about what he would do in office. But he sent out a useful object which voters saw constantly. No one throws out a potholder.
A potholder gets older but they are so useful we keep them around. Robbins did not bother with literature or promises, but the potholder, his name glistening there, was not to be missed. These were thick enough to withstand any conceivable damage, and seemed to say, evidently, "Keep me around as an office holder." Alan Robbins inspired my first effort to keep politicians honest in 1992. Newt Gingrich stole the idea, which was conveyed to him by John Fund. See See History
There are solutions. One was proposed in 1992 by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, other workable solutions were suggested later. This has become the Web Presence Page for solutions to the problem of dishonest politicians. 2-Way Interactive TV is on its way to assist this effort in latter 2022! See Women Leading Interactive TV Network
Honesty is the Only Policy;
Americans Must
Enforce Honesty
Alan Robbins
Alan Robbins
George Washington
George Washington
Enforcing Honesty in
Those Elected to Office
Enforcing Honesty in
Those Elected to Office
It was once the usual practice for those serving in public office to post a performance bond for which they, themselves, paid. This is a SURETY BOND. Your own money has to be on the line if you are to be trusted and it has to be an amount commiserate with the damage you can cause.
We, the electorate, must take on the task of ensuring the candidates we consider supporting, ourselves. It is a mistake to trust other elected officials to carry out this fiduciary duty. Experience has delivered the message - elected officials of all kinds cheerfully ignore this important duty. Don't vote for them if their Surety Bond is not posted on their website. And check this twice.
As more Americans are now aware every day, politicians and other 'public servants,' paid by taxpayers, can cause more damage than most natural disasters, yet politicians have everything to gain,and nothing to lose, the moment they are elected.
Since those running for office will lie to obtain positions which move them to the heady heights of money and power, it is incumbent on us to ensure they can be held accountable before we give them our support. They must memorialize their promises and be held accountable.
The solution offered here is the HONESTY BOND, an application of surety bonds, in use for generations in all professions, including bookkeepers, CPAs, contractors and housecleaners. Known as the 'surety bond,' the point is ensuring the one in a position of trust stays trust-worthy - by losing money and/or resignation enforced through prior signed agreements and binding arbitration -- this can include you on 2-Way TV.
Included is the story of its inception, which provides some interesting side-bar insights into many presently seeking public office, of aiding and abetting those doing so, chief among these was Newt Gingrich, who in 1996, gutted specific promises in my first version of an Honesty bond, with empty rhetoric on all promises he made which came to be known as The Contract With America, which in reality was a Contract On America.
As more Americans are now aware every day, politicians and other 'public servants,' paid by taxpayers, can cause more damage than most natural disasters, yet politicians have everything to gain,and nothing to lose, the moment they are elected.
Since those running for office will lie to obtain positions which move them to the heady heights of money and power, it is incumbent on us to ensure they can be held accountable before we give them our support. They must memorialize their promises and be held accountable.
The solution offered here is the HONESTY BOND, an application of surety bonds, in use for generations in all professions, including bookkeepers, CPAs, contractors and housecleaners. Known as the 'surety bond,' the point is ensuring the one in a position of trust stays trust-worthy - by losing money and/or resignation enforced through prior signed agreements and binding arbitration -- this can include you on 2-Way TV.
Included is the story of its inception, which provides some interesting side-bar insights into many presently seeking public office, of aiding and abetting those doing so, chief among these was Newt Gingrich, who in 1996, gutted specific promises in my first version of an Honesty bond, with empty rhetoric on all promises he made which came to be known as The Contract With America, which in reality was a Contract On America.
Get ready for lively debate and Interesting Times!